12 Remarkable Health Advantages of Cinnamon Tea - Steepologie

12 Remarkable Health Advantages of Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon tea contains a myriad of compounds believed to provide numerous health advantages, including enhancing cardiovascular health, easing menstrual discomfort, and lowering inflammation and blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon tea presents an intriguing tea option with potential health perks. Crafted from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree, which naturally curls into familiar cinnamon sticks during drying, this tea can be prepared by steeping these sticks in boiling water or grinding them into a powder for infusion. Better yet, cinnamon is added to various tea blends to deliver the health benefits without an overwhelming cinnamon flavor.

Cinnamon Tea in Summary

can ease inflammation, lower blood pressure, and remove excess cholesterol from blood vessels and reduce markers of inflammation, which in turn lowers the risk of disease. Antioxidants in cinnamon tea also help to fight against free radicals, which damage your cells and make things like heart disease and cancer more likely, Also, helpful to control high blood sugar*1


Below are 12 scientifically supported health advantages of cinnamon tea.

 1. Cinnamon Tea is Loaded with Antioxidants

Cinnamon tea is abundant in antioxidants, essential compounds crucial for maintaining overall health.

These antioxidants combat oxidative stress induced by free radicals, harmful molecules that harm cells and are linked to various diseases including diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Notably, cinnamon boasts a high content of polyphenol antioxidants. In fact, a study assessing the antioxidant potency of 26 spices found that cinnamon ranks third, surpassed only by cloves and oregano.*2

Moreover, studies indicate that cinnamon tea has the potential to enhance total antioxidant capacity (also known as TAC), a metric reflecting the body's ability to counteract free radicals.*3

2. Cinnamon Tea Reduces Inflammation and May Help Heart Health

Research indicates that cinnamon compounds have the potential to decrease markers associated with inflammation. This could be highly advantageous, as inflammation is believed to underlie numerous chronic conditions, such as heart disease.*4

Additionally, research suggests that cinnamon may lower blood pressure and decrease levels of triglycerides and LDL (which is the bad kind) cholesterol in some of the participants.*5 Furthermore, cinnamon may elevate levels of HDL (which is the good kind) cholesterol, aiding in the enhancement of heart health by eliminating excess cholesterol from blood vessels.*6

An analysis of 10 studies revealed that consuming as little as 120 mg of cinnamon per day, which is less than a 1/10 teaspoon, could potentially enable you to experience these advantages.*7

3. Cinnamon Tea May Help Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Cinnamon might offer potent antidiabetic effects by reducing blood sugar levels. It seems to function similarly to insulin, the hormone responsible for moving sugar from your bloodstream into your tissues.*8 Moreover, compounds present in cinnamon may also aid in reducing blood sugar levels by decreasing insulin resistance, consequently enhancing the effectiveness of insulin.*9

Better yet, cinnamon tea may also assist in slowing down the breakdown of carbohydrates in your gut, thus preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels after meals.*10

4. Cinnamon Tea May Promote Weight Loss

Cinnamon tea is frequently promoted for its potential to aid in weight loss, and numerous studies have associated cinnamon consumption with fat reduction.*11 

Participants in one study, which controlled for caloric intake, reported a loss of 0.7% in fat mass and a gain of 1.1% in muscle mass after consuming the equivalent of 10 grams of cinnamon powder daily for 3 months.*12

5. Cinnamon Tea Fights Off Fungus and Bacteria

Cinnamon exhibits potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. Test-tube studies demonstrate that cinnamaldehyde, the primary active component in cinnamon, inhibits the growth of a variety of bacteria, fungi, and molds. These include prevalent bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, and E.coli all of which are known to cause illness in people across the world.*13

Furthermore, the antibacterial properties of cinnamon may aid in diminishing bad breath and thwarting tooth decay.*14

6. Cinnamon Tea May Reduce PMS Symptoms Like Menstrual Cramps

Cinnamon tea could potentially alleviate certain menstrual symptoms like premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and dysmenorrhea. In a well-controlled study, females were given 3 grams of cinnamon or a placebo daily for the initial 3 days of their menstrual cycle. Those in the cinnamon group reported significantly reduced menstrual pain compared to those receiving the placebo.*15

Evidence also suggests that cinnamon may decrease menstrual bleeding, frequency of vomiting, and severity of nausea during women's menstrual cycles.*16


So you get the point - cinnamon in tea is good for you! Here is a quick summation of several other benefits of cinnamon tea:

7. Fighting Skin Aging: Cinnamon may combat skin aging by promoting collagen formation and enhancing skin elasticity and hydration, as evidenced by studies. These effects may contribute to reducing the visible signs of aging.*17

8. Anti-cancer Properties: Cinnamon may possess anticancer properties. Test-tube studies have demonstrated that cinnamon extracts could potentially eliminate specific types of cancer cells, including those associated with skin cancer.*18

9. Improve Brain Health: Cinnamon may aid in preserving brain function. Test-tube and animal studies indicate that cinnamon might safeguard brain cells against Alzheimer's disease and enhance motor function in individuals with Parkinson's disease.*19

10. May Help Fight HIV: In test-tube studies, cinnamon extracts have been shown to potentially combat the most prevalent strain of the HIV virus in humans.*20

11. Reduce Acne: Studies indicate that cinnamon extracts have the potential to combat the bacteria responsible for causing acne.*21


*1  Source WebMD
*2 Source National Library of Medicine
*3 Source ResearchGate
*4 Source National Library of Medicine
*5 Source National Library of Medicine
*6 Source National Library of Medicine
*7 Source National Library of Medicine
*8 Source National Library of Medicine
*9 Source National Library of Medicine
*10 Source National Library of Medicine
*11 Source National Library of Medicine
*12 Source National Library of Medicine
*13 Source National Library of Medicine
*14 Source National Library of Medicine
*15 Source National Library of Medicine
*16 Source National Library of Medicine
*17 Source National Library of Medicine
*18 Source Science Direct
*19 Source National Library of Medicine
*20 Source National Library of Medicine
*21 Source National Library of Medicine


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